Cosmetic Bridges and Dentures

The Bridge

A bridge is an artificial tooth supported by the teeth on either side of the space.

Your dentist prepares your teeth on either side of the gap, and takes a mould which is sent to a dental technician. The dental technician makes the complete structure, using porcelain (for appearance) and a metal core (for strength). Your dentist then places the bridge into your mouth.

Bonded bridges that do not require shaping of the neighbouring teeth are sometimes used.

Stronger materials are sometimes necessary for bridges used in back teeth. Your dentist may use an all-metal, gold bridge for this.

A bridge is a long term, very attractive way of helping you fill the gap.

before bridge-70
Teeth shaped ready for bridge
After Bridge
After bridge
A strong and natural looking result

The Denture

There are several types of dentures suitable as a short or medium term tooth replacement.

The plastic partial denture fits on the gum and sometimes has wire clasps to hold it in place. The metal precision partial denture fits exactly with clasps and rests on existing teeth. Both are removable, and you take them out to clean.

Plastic Partial Denture
Plastic Partial Denture

To find out more about Cosmetic Bridges and Dentures please contact us

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