Teeth Whitening

A brighter, whiter smile can boost your confidence and self esteem. If you look around, you will notice that many people have stained or discoloured teeth.

The most common causes of discoloured teeth are aging and the consumption of stain-inducing substances, for example tea, coffee, red wine and tobacco. Although regular brushing and professional polishing can help to keep your teeth clean and remove surface staining they cannot remove deeply embedded stains. Certain antibiotics can also stain your teeth. These stains are harder to remove, but with patience and the appropriate professional whitening treatment – excellent results can be achieved.

Teeth whitening is an effective cosmetic dental treatment that quickly gives your smile a lift. It can be combined with a dental implant or porcelain crown procedure - the new tooth restoration is matched to the same shade as the whitened teeth.If your teeth are already healthy and straight, then teeth whitening can add just the perfect touch for upcoming wedding photos, business conference or any other special event.

Now the team at North Shore Dental is making it even easier to have the white smile you’ve always wanted with either the In-Surgery Zoom! Whitening or a take Home Whitening treatment.  Our hygienist can advise which procedure would suit you best after a thorough consultation and shade assessment.

With proper care your smile will sparkle for years and almost anyone can benefit from tooth whitening. So call now or book your consultation online and you can be proud of your brighter, whiter smile!